ThreatCore Project

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Exclusive: Iran, Russia, Taunting U.S. Navy in New Revelations...

'At night they would put their spot lights directly onto the CATs and blind our pilots'...

07/12/2016 - 20:49 PM EDT

THREATCORE PROJECT has learned that Iranian naval forces have been deploying tactics to interfere with US Navy flight operations in international waters. Iran has been taunting the United States under the Obama administration for some time - and the latest revealed tactics are revealed:

Iran has illuminated carrier flight deck operations with spot lights: 'At night they would put their spot lights directly onto the CATs and blind our pilots'. A 'CAT' is Navy lingo for catapult, the system that launches the aircraft.  Pilots often use night vision technology known as FLIR (Forward Looking InfraRed.) Pilots may also use night vision goggles.  Bright lights drown them out and can deem them useless, resulting in a major distraction. 

More...Dangerous Maneuvers...

Iranian ships are challenging US Navy ships with extremely dangerous maneuvers, closer than often reported. A source tells THREATCORE: 

'They would literally get right next to us, where I could easily hit them with a rock.' 

'They would cut us off so our carrier would have to make a quick turn... our destroyers were busy - that's for sure.'

In addition THREATCORE PROJECT has learned that aircraft are placed on 'Alert 5' status continuously 'day and night'.  Alert 5 refers to a condition in which the aircraft must be airborne within five minutes of the call to launch the alert jet.  The aircraft will launch and then 'check-in' with the location of concern. 

And to think we struck a nuclear 'deal' with these guys...


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